" recently " i have been getting into short attacks from these fallen entities. but i have defeated them and intent to track their energy and destroy them. some thoughts may cross your mind but realise that not everything is your own. it may be latent energy from your lower self or even technology. an important thing is to realise in a calm and collected way that this is the case dont overreact and think everything is a reptilian in your brain because if you do thats what you will to happen. protect your energy God protect your energy Goddess.
now into the post. as we know "ukraine" has declared war on the russians well the other way around who cares really. they are bombing human beings etc. you may ask why well first off alot of events here are fake. the "ghost of ukraine" fake, the "medical hospitals being bombed" some are fake. alot of the large bombardments are fake. but maybe not the whole thing. why? the collect energy the more fear anger and h****d they capture the more stronger they get . have you noticed that many soldiers are not dying? supposedly they are committing war crimes bombing random buildings yet the count of dead is low relatively .
their goal with this operation for them is to
cause and harvest negative energy around the planet.
make an excuse for the upcomming attacks
distract indifuvals from their purpose
show off their military power to us.
thats really it. and like divine insight said the real war is the astral war etc. but that war is coming into the physical and you must train yourself to be strong. ki energy power.