Grand Rising Beautiful Souls! Eye salute to your Divinity within you.💜
Well, if Eye had my take on the situation Eye would say that our Galactic Family has blown up more underwater contamination bases….but the Media aka “Medea“ is calling it another volcanic eruption.
The time is Nigh….So, be free to be and continue to raise your frequency!
One of the Gods here in the forum @Tywan Johnson bey gave me something to think about.
Eye am out here looking for crystals and all else outside of myself when in fact Eye am genetically a crystal within.
Some external extension of us are amazing and very beneficial but that comment triggered a much deeper aspect of myself and reminded me of who Eye Am ethereally.
So, for all of you who are armed with your Crystals, Orishas, Alters, you are wise, smart and prepared! 💜
But for folk like me who are a day late and a dollar short…lol☺️…As we collect and create what we need, we’re gonna have to work more from within until there‘s a balance between our internal and external processes.
But yeah, another “volcanic eruption” within the seas.
Meditation is key. It’s on and pop’n now Fam!
PEACE to the Gods & Our Goddesses of Planet Ki.
Cosmic Love Fam!
Somebody’s been meditating 😊 PEACE Goddess eye salute the Divinity in you☀️
Ase’ Appreciation acknowledged and appreciated Goddess Reflection 💯💫🧡
Grand Greetings Goddess 🧡🧡 Your Divinity and Wisdom protects you ! Better a day late and a dollar short, than no days no dollars. The crystals will attract you to them Happy Crystal shopping 😊 Sending love and grounding innergee 💫 Peace