Peace Gods & Godesses 💙💫✨ we are progressing phenomenally 💪🏽💪🏽
2990 Stone Hogan Connector Rd SW, Atlanta, GA 30331
3000 Cascade Palmetto Hwy, Atlanta, GA 30331
These are the addresses for the land & building projects
@garden_of_treatz on Instagram provided these addresses for the UCI and like minded individuals to start our lives.
@zekrichway on Instagram is assisting in many ways, so follow him on IG and send him a DM saying that youre helping build and/or relocating.
Send a message to @Eli 💙💫✨ Sovereign Empress to get added to the group chat on Instagram and get more information on the project.
BDRE is here to provide real estate assistance and information sharing. From our understanding, the following information has been provided:
• property addresses
• possession of tents, supplies, & materials
• knowledge of: gardens, solar energy & combat
For any questions, contact @Eli 💙💫✨ Sovereign Empress either by DM here or on Instagram @realtalkkwitheli Send an email to if you have any skills or resources/supplies for the property:
• gardening skill & resources
• tent & and shelter supplies
• water cleansing skills & resources
• spiritual guidance and skills
To help with the project, contact (have the 👁 in the Subject Box)
To donate to the cause here, donations can be sent to $BirdDogRE on CashApp or @birddogre on PayPal (or use email address).
Gods & Goddesses, we have transitioned into the next phase. Claim your sovereignty. We are Sovereign Beings and will live as such. No more hiding. No more separation. #NowWeRise 💙💫✨ ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽 👁👁👁
Peace Goddess 🧘🏽♀️
Peace reflection ✨💜✨
Peace Reflection GODDESSES AND GODS 👁 👑
Peace Goddess✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽NowWeRise👁