From the series Bleach
He is named LIlle (noble little or flower) Barro (barrier) , one of the main "sternritter" meaning (Star Knights) that are allied with and are quincies meaning (:estate of the fifth son.) which are beings created by a being (Yhwach who named himself after YHWH) as warriors to help him in his goal to destroy the 3 worlds hueco mundo , the infinite desert of the hollows, The soul society , The land where the "Soul reapers" reside and where souls go after passing away, and the world of the living. In terms of origin he is also the first one of these quincy beings to be made.
Being a rare example of a God being portrayed in anime/manga he is also depicted as super fucking strong.
His ability the X axis allows him to when he opens both of his eyes to be completely intangible like the vision from marvel and also makes any attack he makes pierce through anything in his line of sight, with perfect accuracy and without the need for projectiles. It cannot be blocked by any defense , Lille intentionally keeps his left eye closed because he believes it would be unfair to his opponents, but if he opens his eye three times in one battle, he is permitted to keep them open for the entire battle.
As with all the quincy in the anime. he has a spirit weapon witch is a huge rifle

heres a description I found of the weapon thats good:
Diagramm (ディアグラム, Diaguramu; German for "Diagram"; Viz "Diagramme"): Lille's favored weapon manifests in the form of a large black rifle that he carries on his back underneath his cloak. Its forestock is mostly covered in dark green fur, except for a section on the underside near the end of the forestock. The end of the long barrel has a black, plus-shaped extension on it, and the stock is composed of two long, triangular protrusions that stabilize the rifle against Lille's shoulder and torso.[40][50] If part of the forestock is cut off or destroyed by an enemy attack, Lille can reform it with the appearance of black metal instead of the dark green fur.[51]
Heilig Pfeil (神聖滅矢 (ハイリッヒ・プファイル), Hairihhi Pufairu; German for "Holy Arrow", Japanese for "Sacred Destruction Arrows"): Lille can fire bullet-shaped Heilig Pfeil from his rifle. They are powerful enough to destroy the cities surrounding the Soul King Palace with a single shot each.[52] Kirio Hikifune notes that they possess such power due to being composed of highly compressed Reishi.[53] However, they can still be split and deflected if cut by a sufficiently sharp blade.[54]
as far as the capabilities of this guy its been seen that from scaling what he can do and comparing him to other characters he is able to move at a speed way higher than light. and capable of destroying country sized landmasses with ease.
Volstandig (meaning complete) is a form the quincy have as a upgrade to their power.
in this form Lille becomes Zyrael which means Gods Judge. taking on the appearance of a Seraphim the highest form of Angel
Jilliel (神の裁き (ジリエル), Jirieru; Japanese for "Judgement of God"; Viz "Divine Judgement"):[55] When Lille activates his Quincy: Vollständig, a large Quincy Zeichen ending in fleur-de-lis forms in the air, centered around his left eye. Lille's Quincy: Vollständig takes the form of a large white priestly robe with several holes and eight golden wings with three holes each covering Lille, who himself gains white lines crossing his face and an oversized golden Heiligenschein above his head.[56] Lille can alter the appearance of Jilliel to some extent, notably by fraying out the ends of his robe into a skirt-like section while granting himself shoes which each have two long points jutting downward, one at the toes and one at the heel.[57]
Upon being granted power by Yhwach's Auswählen, Lille's Quincy: Vollständig granted him a set of white, feathery Reishi wings.[58]
Lille teleports inside a building.
Teleportation: Lille can teleport to another location, where he appears as a spiralling circle that grows into his body.[59]
Flight: Using his eight wings, Lille can remain stationary in and fly through the air.[60]
The X-Axis (Enhanced): Lille can fire multiple shots at an opponent from the holes in his wings.[61] With his power active, Lille is constantly in a state of spatial intangibility, rendering him virtually untouchable by physical attacks and even Kidō.[62] By firing from six of the holes in his wings at once, Lille can produce a blast powerful enough to blow through a large portion of a city.[63] Lille can also fire powerful blasts from locations far away from his body by forming portals in the air, from which he unleashes the blasts.[64]

as a second form of this he looks like this

Second Form: Unlike most Sternritter, Lille can access a second form of his Quincy: Vollständig. Entering it will regenerate any body parts that Lille has lost.[65] In this form, he gains a new, fair-skinned head with slicked-back hair similar to that of a human, but with the eyes, nose, and beak of an owl. His Heiligenschein is drastically reduced in size and gains spikes, and Lille's neck is elongated, resembling the body of a snake with white fur on its back. His wings now resemble those of bats instead of angels, tapering to points and losing their feathery shapes. In addition, his shoes extend dramatically in horizontal length, giving him the appearance of a centaur, and his eyelids open and close horizontally instead of vertically.[66] He can also manipulate the size and shape of his head at will, as well as move his eyes around to any location on his head.[67]
Limb Generation: Lille can create long arms for himself that have light-colored greaves and long fingers on each hand.[68]
Sabaki no Kōmyō (裁きの光明, Ray of Judgement): Lille can fire thin waves of energy from his forearms and hands. These energy waves can pierce through entire cities, and areas in its path are riddled with explosions.[69]
Lille generates a ball of light.
Light Generation: Lille can form a large ball of light in front of his outstretched hand, allowing him to erase any nearby shadows at the cost of creating some on his own body.[70]
Trompete (神の喇叭 (トロンペーテ), Toronpēte; German for "Trumpet", Japanese for "Trumpet of God"): Lille creates a large trumpet out of Reishi before using it to fire an enormous blast
powerful enough to erase a large part of a city.[71]
not sure what to think of this one because it has the head of a owl , looks unatural to me in that regard.
Positive insight Gods and Godesses
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