There,re 12 zodiac signs but according to sister Myrah there,re actually 6. One is the higher aspect of the other. The example was ♌️ + ♒️. We’re going to start with the 1st sign ♈️ 🐐, the head, ruled by Mars, “I will” it’s 🔥 (you ♈️ out there you know who you are the leader. The opposite sign the higher aspect is ♎️ Kidneys, Adrenal glands, ruled by Venus (beauty, balance) “I relate” (relationships, justice =love). Your job is to find out the relationship the head has with the ❤️, the kidneys, the 🔥 and the glands. Doing this will help you to know how everything is related to each other and why you have confusion instead of fusion. When you go to college and major in one field and have no idea that when the other parts are missing, you gain a degree to disagree with yourself and everyone else. In this multi- verse everything has to be fused together. Example your body is also an instrument 🎻 creation is like a symphony orchestra all the 🎺 has to be tuned to harmonize with each other. If you listen to classical music 🎶 or jazz which are the highest forms of frequency. The classics are a symphony and jazz freestyle. I am going to leave you here. I don’t know if I, ll be back later my daughter comes to dinner on Wednesday. We, ll see 👋🏾 for now
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