How are the rest of you doing? How is your self programming progressing? I am sure you realize it’s easy but it takes a lot of Self discipline, endurance and awareness. The reason for this is because some of you just woke up from 😴 are 😡 searching for answers, listening to others and getting confused 🤷♂️ because there’s no guidance (guy dance) in the old days it took 2 to tango and the guys would lead, the ladies would connect to the guy,s rhythm they would harmonize with each other and 👀 one could enjoy their artistry. All these are no more but that’s 👍🏾 we are always evolving (nature,s law). We are still working with the head. “If what you’re looking for you didn’t find within you will never find it without “ your best 👩🏫 is your inner teacher (inner tuition) since last year everyone is looking for their twin soul and totally lost their way because they were and are looking for someone outside of self. Your twin soul is your higher self and of course there’s going to be a marriage but one with your lower self. Right now we’re operating most of us in our lower self moving up the ladder to reach the ♥️ to unite with one,s higher self > inside the head to become crystallized > new Being. Actually the goal is to become to become anything and anyone you want to be. To do that soul spirit and mind has to form a trinity. Where did you hear the word trinity before? You have to master that mind of yours. Mind isn,t your master no (know) it’s your servant. You become the Master. The Mastermind. With this I will leave you now to do some pondering 🤔 👋🏾🤗 stay happy 😃