You should sleep 😴 in a completely dark room without electronics, the low frequencies mess with the higher frequencies. Before you fall asleep set your intentions exampls if you want to solve a problem with a love one here or in the other realm you focus on your crown chakra if it’s ok to enter in the person,s kingdom if yes you may enter if no leave it alone. With compassion you greet the subject and with a short message you let them know you,re sorry, I forgive and I love you. You have to do this for a month now since we are in another timeline it could be shorter. Those who have made their transition and weren,t able to settle things before leaving whatever ties that were not solved stays with them beyond time as a thorn in consciousness. Those who are here may approach you and clear whatever it was that caused pain.
Now there,s a technique that the ancestors used called hoo opnopo. I think it comes from the Hawaiian language, translated “I am sorry, please forgive me, I thank you and I love you. There’s a melody to it. I am unable to write it but you can keep saying it to yourself as a mantra and it works for you and everyone without your having to confront anyone. As I mentioned earlier you need sexual energy to manifest. For those who are married or in stable loving relationship you both can set your intentions just Before the act and you have to keep it till climax. You can let it go then or if one of you fall asleep you can massage your partners feet or just use your imagination and do whatever makes you feel good. Those who are alone no problem you just have to return the energy to the 🧠 (you already know how to do this) and you can set your intentions on your screen and let it out.
Here,s an affirmation “ my mind is healthy, my heart 💜 is healthy I am in perfect health” I am repeating this phase to you again “ there’s nothing that can harm you it’s only the thought about it“ Don’t spend too much time with what,s taking place in the outer world, stay inside and do not forget to call on Archangel Michael for protection.
I think you have enough stuff to assist you in making wise choices and decisions. If there,re any questions you have my email I may pop in now and then to see if everyone is ok. Enjoy the rest of your day until next year ☮️❤️🔥💪👋🏾🃏
I thank you goddess for sharing with us your reflections, peace to you 💫