Gods and Goddesses Rashad The GOD has been playing chess in his lectures cause of the elites are watching eye notice something he said today on Instagram live and it just came to me it just snap in my head ever since eye been questioning alot of things and mediating way more then eye use to eye thought about something he said today in the live he been repeating in his past lives over and over but been saying it in different ways cause eye been relooking at his past lives you know how there are agents on his platforms and in his lives right he been telling us the damn plan the whole time without us even noticing it eye can't say what it is cause of the agents eye see what it is some of it eye am still putting pieces together eye wish eye can tell y'all please relook at that live today about his baby momma it's in there the clue and what's going on around us wit planet it all goes together think deep Peace Reflection!!!
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