Peace unto you Goddess. I’m not sure if that is true or now but yes, that could very well be true. But my thing is , is even if he has an outline, his memory while blindfolded tells me that he can still see the image in his mind because he’s tapped in.There’s another young God that the article stated that he’s “autistic” and he took a helicopter ride over the city of Manhattan for the first time in his life and drew on canvas the entirety of what he had seen as an aerial view in his airborne experience. To me, they are tapped in because their viewing eyes are sending the correct frequency to their all seeing eye and I could be wrong in my explanation but one thing is for sure, they’re tapped in.That’s sooo dope and beautiful to me.Peace in love Goddess. Asé.
That sounds like a possibility 🤔 because drawing or painting from memory has to be on some high vibration energy
Peace Goddess. I used to think this artist was using some sort of outline before he started his pieces.