Eye just order mines off Amazon but when your order it click on the person who's selling it and which ever supplier makes you comfortable purchasing it from them purchase it you can also get them from any crystal stores in your city
Yeah but stock up on water eye remember GOD saying from the last live that we will need alot water cause of our plasma energy eye have 7 cases of spring water and maybe dry foods cause eye heard the lights will go out and get dragon red blood sage!!!
No GOD but when the grid goes down everything will come back to us so be ready to here voices in your mind be ready to hover in the air and be ready to cook niggas like Sunday meals at cook outs it's gone be game time!!!
Peace Goddess!!!
Eye just order mines off Amazon but when your order it click on the person who's selling it and which ever supplier makes you comfortable purchasing it from them purchase it you can also get them from any crystal stores in your city
Where can you get Dragon red blood sage?
Yeah but stock up on water eye remember GOD saying from the last live that we will need alot water cause of our plasma energy eye have 7 cases of spring water and maybe dry foods cause eye heard the lights will go out and get dragon red blood sage!!!
No GOD but when the grid goes down everything will come back to us so be ready to here voices in your mind be ready to hover in the air and be ready to cook niggas like Sunday meals at cook outs it's gone be game time!!!