✌️ Joy and happiness to you family on this beautiful Sunday. How are you feeling? I trust all is well and you’re doing the work to become the best manifestation of Self.
Before I begin let me share something with you. I mentioned to you that I am the number 5 well I have 2 iPhones 4+5 2 IPads antique and 1💻 5. I am sure you will be l 😆 by now because the latest iPhone is 13. with these 5 devices we have a sort of a funny 😆 relationship with each other and I drive google and AI 😜 because I never do what,s requested also I never have any of them with me when I am out. They are always at home. The story behind this is I use my own devices from nature and already I am iPhone 14 and this is no joke. I am disciplined, devoted, pay attention and practice on a daily basis. Doing this allows me always to be in contact with Source which gives me automatic access to all that,s happening in and around me at all times You can do this to. I am not different to you all. Everything is here at your disposal you just have to reach out and claim it. You are Creators of the most high. It’s not your creation but you are a vital part of it. I will keep this short and let it sink in awhile today is ☀️ day go outside and enjoy what life has to offer so when you get back inside with a smile 😊 ins and on your face you made it just for today. Have an amazing day here it’s late evening 7:46 pm 👋🏾 Hasta la vista 👀 😘