I am back. We are now in the harvest season, 🎃 thanksgiving. This year we do something different instead of our energy is harvested we’re going to increase our energy and reap the energy of the others by not participating. No turkey (tur is German for door and you know what a 🔐 🔑 is used for. We’re going to celebrate 🎉 our new me. We’re going to 💃🏾 have fun be happy 😃 and make the reapers 😤 mind you the battle is taking place inside before it gets outside so all the parasites 🦠 in your colon will be burned out. When you are 🕺 and moving those hips you are building and generating energy. You actually light up the 🔥 in that area which is 100.000 x hotter than the 🔥 you make outside. Those who live alone you h a party 🎈 for 1 I do this all the time I put on some hot vibes and shake that booty😅 let me know what you experienced.
Before I continue I want to address 2 comments. 1 about dropping 💎 and leaving you clueless. You are at the U.C.I. preparing for your masters to know and master Self to be a Master mind to become a Master piece. No one can do this for you. You have to write your own story to be able to take ownership and rulership of Your own Universe. I trust that this answers your question. 2. D- Distributor I loved that because when you have generated all that energy and created something of value you can distribute it gain and 😉 the benefits.
Most of you all have been asking why are we going through this dilemma? And why America you are the chosen ones. You are on the world,s stage and are the celebrities. You are the creators (who doesn’t know it)