This just means you on the right track. You have to go through difficult times to see if you are who you say you are. You have to get put under that heat to make sure you solid💪🏾.
Things don't happen to you ; they happen for you.
You might not realize or innerstand what's going on but its aligning you up for the bigger picture of what your true purpose or passion is while you here. You just can't see yet. Its a test you either going to pass or fail. Under that heat you either going to stay solid or melt.
🔥But stay solid and never fold..dont melt🔥 And put in the work whatever it is you do or want to do.
Also, I just heard this...
Eye can't put nothing in the hand if you already have something in it. You have to let it go so eye can fill it.
Thank you god 🙏🏽
Gratitude for sharing, God. This was divine timing.