Greetings everyone.…
Sending positive energies and high vibrations to you all!
In my most respectful opinion….
Video games were designed to keep our people out of nature. So think about it when our children ask us for a video console. If we purchase one for them let us try to incorporate more time with them being more outside than in front of a video console.
Eye remember hopscotch, four square, kick ball, double dutch so on and so forth…..all games….all outside in nature.
Now that we are becoming deeply aware about their true & evil intentions of them deliberately taking us out of natural element, we should be having these conversations with our children and reintroducing them back to which they truly belong.
Man, this is a beautiful energy Fam. It’s like no matter what happen…..Eye know that it will be more catastrophic for them than it will ever be for us.
PEACE within you all and Eye salute to the divinity within our divine beings and Eye honor our human beings to your highest of ascension in benevolence & righteousness!
Asé Asé Asé to our Ethereal Gods and our Ancestors for our divine wisdom, innerstanding and divine protection of our chosen.
Thank you for those wise words ❤️⭐️
Grand Rising Goddess I appreciate it
Eye have a special tree,, that eye go visit , eye hug, kiss,and talk to, her name is Blue. Eye love being outside, #LoveAndPeace