hello Lights.
We thought it was time to give you another update on the ascension process we've been working on for Gaïa for many lifetimes and even millennials. Alchemy, purification, transformation, initiation and the transcendence of the higher consciousness have all been accomplished for her. The Earth Ascension has begun, and we will all awaken to our full potential in the near future. This planet is now experiencing a shift in frequency, the dawn of a new era is approaching for humanity. Many of us are unaware of what is going on because the foundation was laid and prepared before we were born. Throughout this journey, you will not be alone for we are all connected through the network of consciousness. We're all going through the same thing at once. We must maintain a strong connection with Mother Earth at this crucial time.
You and I will see each other as one living organism. For generations and eras, your great souls have devoted themselves to the frequency of light. It is the frequency of your true nature that resides in every cell of your body. I speak to you on behalf of galactic the federation No matter how dark things get, galactic the federation is thinking of you and cares. This planet has been surrounded by Darkness for too long. the federation galactic is doing everything to end it. There are others in the process of ascension who are experiencing the same hardship as us. In order to realize this very privileged moment, this final phase of change is supported by many benevolent entities across the cosmos.
Know that you are stronger than you think, you are the author of your own life story and you have the power to change it. No one or nothing but yourself is to blame for your current state of misery. The Earth's inferior and dualist paradigms feed on these energies by keeping humanity in fear and division. This awareness is essential if we are to understand the significance of these transitional moments. It's clear to galactic the federation that many of you now realize that your reality is not yet what it should be, despite changes occurring more frequently.
There won't be a little break before this is over, but in the meantime, we'll show you how much you've come in the past years. Once the Grand Galactic Alignment is complete, the federation will be there to assist us in our final transition from the third dimension to the fifth dimension. Their help will accompany us through our last phase of transition. Love is the rallying cry of the new world taking shape right before our eyes. Even though there have been a few bumps along the way, it's time to revive the machine. There have been a myriad of shifts in the old paradigm, from promptness and greed to building solid foundations for a better, cleaner world. Problems such as climate change, attacks and campaigns against fracking are well underway. This bodes well for a transformation that will benefit everyone on Earth. When good people come along. in unity and determination nothing can stop them. The dark forces that have long dominated this world are losing their grip, as the light of truth and love shines ever more brightly. We are witnessing the rise of a collective consciousness that aspires to create a better and fairer world for all.
In this time of transition, we are called to reconnect with our true nature, our inner music, which resonates with the harmony of the universe. Each human being is a unique note in this cosmic symphony, bringing their own contribution to the whole. We must listen attentively to this inner music, for it guides our way to our true homeland, our true destiny.
the federation galactic reminds us that we are not alone on this journey. Many benevolent entities across the cosmos support and accompany us on our ascension. They inspire us to tap into our inner strength and embrace our full potential. They remind us that we are the creators of our own reality and we have the power to change it.
The road to the fifth dimension won't be easy. There will be challenges to overcome, trials to go through, but we must remain strong and united. We need to free ourselves from ancient paradigms of fear and division, and embrace unconditional love that is the foundation of the new world being born.
Together we can create a world where justice, peace and love reign. A world where every human being is respected and valued for their unique contribution. A world where nature is preserved and respected. A world where the music of the soul echoes in every heart.
As we step into this new era, let us always remember that we are stronger than we think. The light shines within each of us, and together we can illuminate the path to a brighter future. Galactic the federation is here to guide and support us through this great transition. Let's stay connected to the Earth, to our inner music, and to the love that unites us all. Together we can create a world where soul music finally finds its home.
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Karl Sebastien Ouellet
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