When I’m driving it literally feels as if my soul or spirit is being lifted out my body. This only happens while I’m driving. I have to tell myself I’m driving then I return back to my body. is the car helping me astral project or something??
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Thats me too!
@999innerg this is exactly what’s happening to me. It’s been happening for the last month now. it’s becoming more frequent. I know I’m not falling asleep because I’m wide awake it’s just a different experience.
When your driving you go into an “automatic” mindset. Sometimes you drive home and don’t even remember the drive. When in this mindset sometimes you can do deep thinking as you drive, most people just play music...I’m guessing your going through an awakening, you might have to have a meditation session to ground yourself.... the first time I left my body for a while after that it would happen to me randomly whenever I would go to sleep and it eventually went away, I’m guessing this is what’s happening to u
If I look at clouds too long fuck yea 💫
Never experienced but sounds interesting. 💜🐲