The First Group Thought
The first order of the unfolding was the melanated group knowned as black people. They set the foundational thought process that the other 3 groups would need to support their purpose. This group also had the strongest ties to the Entities that ushered Man into physicality. They were nurtured by them and learned how to work with their energy streams. They were also taught how to recognize their streams or signatures in the life around them. Through this, their interactions with those Entities were more dynamic. As their societies developed, these Entities presence were incorporated and seen as normal and crucial to Man,s survival. They were taught how to survive and thrive. They mirrored the traits of the Entities in their daily lives and incorporated them in all aspects of communal activities to the level where all relationships were expected to be sanctioned by these Entities. This group worked with the earth and everything in and with it, establishing a platform for communication with the animals and other Entities on this realm. Everything they learned in their unfolding came from Entities of the 1st realm. Through this close interaction spiritual technologies was learned and developed under the tutelage of the Deities or Angels, that are still practiced today. They also kept contact with and worked with the 2nd level of Entities. This had nothing to do with organized religion and the Deities were not worshipped, instead they were revered for their talents as a force to be reckoned with but also bargain and negotiate with. It must be said that there were many upsides and downsides that needed to be addressed in order for humanity to move forward.
This said group is the most grounded in spiritual awareness as well as having a viewpoint of the whole. This allowed for a stronger bond seeing each other and other Entities as part of a collective. Because of this collective viewpoint, they can easily sacrifice the individual,s interest for the benefits of the group. This sense of reasoning, insight and understanding prevents them from moving forward as individuals, hence their individual creativity while being supported can also be compromised, if it’s not sanctioned by the group. There’s always this pull to hold the form but life requires us to break form in order to create. Even if the power, knowledge and insight to create was and is there it was for the most part contrary to the opposite. This is because of the insight and knowledge which has to be in alignment with the incentives. It’s also related to the lack of need, then when you have the sense of knowing and being connected you are aware of the group,s needs and this determines the drive to create and not the individual,s approach for fame and fortune. It’s more of looking in as opposed to looking out. It can be said the keepers of this group thought would rather walk and rest to enjoy the journey than rush to the destination, when one has that insight it’s easy to see that no matter how fast you go, you always end up in the same place you were meant to be. To be continued