Man vs Human
This is how L explained the concept of Man. The term human was avoided because when one gets to the level of personalities, hu- man or mankind doesn’t address the full extent of (Who we really are) Man. When we use the word (man) it limits us to a reflection of our self. Hue- man: is a shade of man or a shadow of man. Man-kind a version of man, which in its true sense we’re neither. Truth be told our Soul is the manifestation of consciousness. It’s who we’re collectively and individually. When our Soul emerged from the greater consciousness at the proper time and later out of the collective consciousness it was the “I” man that we are. It had no gender but was a “thing “ a manifestation of the oneness. Our personality is an aspect of that soul which shares and accesses all aspects of who we are but is still limited in scope and of itself. This doesn’t mean that the personality is insignificant on the contrary it’s quite relevant but the focus of the personality is to be dynamic in its expression and can very well lose truth in the process. When we the personalities tap into our Soul consciousness we become a dynamic force for the expression of our Soul. Technically this could be called finding Oneself.
The distinction made here is as personalities, humans are not accessing or uterlizing our best potentials. As a personality we are Man consciousness with a solid grounded purpose of our own and our focus is a bit more concentrated. We seem to function as the little “I” that is separated and apart, has no support, no help and therefore limited in the scope and content of ourselves. As the little “I” we make mistakes and do harmful things because after all we’re only human. We can be selfish, mean and unjust, because that’s what humans do to defend and protect themselves, therefore they,re duly justified to do so. When we shift our consciousness or focus to the point of Man as a Soul consciousness our view shifts to transcend the physical realm, which gives us a more wholistic approach to viewing ourselves and the world we live in. For example we will be tuning naturally into a different frequency when seeing what is happening before us, we would not immediately take things at face value. Taking things at face value should never be our first option even if it turns out to be correct. The 1st step to understanding ourselves is identifying our human limitations and knowing that this is not who we are.
Subconsciously we often use the terms “Higher Self “ “Soul purpose “ or “God Self “
which acurately identifies us as Who we truly are. For instance when we say we’re only human when referring to our limitations we are in fact right. We’re limiting our own abilities to that smaller portion or shadow of our true self. What we are talking about is a specific personality of our greater Self and its limitations that is transendable. There are valid reasons for applying limitations, but we do so without understanding or validating our reasons. We are cutting ourselves off from our power and true potentials. It’s possible to express our purpose as a fully empowered Enterty with full awareness and consciousness, however chances are, we would not do it from this level of awareness.
In addition, from an incarnational perspective we distinguish our personalities as man and woman (womb-man). However Man is the Soul Enterty and doesn’t manifest as such on this level of creation. On the level of personality, incarnation or reincarnation is where the distinction becomes relevant and determines how and why we choose to express ourselves on this plain. This is irrelevant on other levels of awareness where relationships are structured differently. This should be clear by now, to identify males as men and females as women compromises our personalities when we make the choice to manifest as such. This aspect couldn’t be further from the truth, then when we get to the level of incarnation we as a personality can choose how we manifest on this plain, and is not based on who we are but what we are here to do. To be continued