I am going to continue where I left off.
The human consciousness agenda is to be itself and is unfolding to that end regardless of what individual,s alternative agendas are. It’s important to understand that once we came into form, we didn’t transition immediately to an earth plain, we stayed in the “heavens “ under the tutelage of the Angels/ Deities/Orishas before coming into this earth plain. When it was time to start our journey some of these Entities transitioned down with us and stayed to assist us here on earth helping us complete our transition. These Entities are under no circumstances given the authority to determine what we do, they are here to assist us if we choose to or work under their tutelage for our benefit.
As we the human consciousness began our journey it determined what was needed to transition into the creative arena without total separation from the path of the Origin or what we call God. The first group had to encompass the talents that would keep the door open or hold the knowledge of how to reintegrate back into wholeness from which we came. It’s equivalent to marking a trail to find our way back. The 1st group would have the trait of “holding together “ expressing harmony, inclusiveness which would then have a wholistic approach in their creative expression. To be continued