Now you know how it began with an out breath from the ORIGIN and everything came into existence at once.
The 1st cycle was Life. Life created Light. 💡created Energy/Matter. 2 separate Enterties ( please make a correction on the illustration I wrote Light instead of Life. Sorry about that.) These all took place outside of time and space. If you notice Matter was created at the same time as light illustrated by the yin/yang symbol the white representing the light and the black representing matter. Duality was also at the very beginning. The result of this is that the ORIGIN can experience itself infinitely and simultaneously.
The 1st consciousness level is the God consciousness which is the blueprint for all Creation. This means limitless creation, the source is Life which is always in the background, the raw materials are the pre atomic energy and matter/light. This ⭕️ hold all things before the Creative phase as it enters the prime directive of the Origin. The directive is part of the collective consciousness by which we then abide.
From the God consciousness we move to the Creator God the highest level of consciousness ( the unknown, the unseen) The Higher Self. We all emerged from the God Creator. We all have a place as an individual in a collective (unison) this expands beyond time and space with the connectivity of love ❤️ without emotions, granted every wish without exception, prejudice, emotion/ movement. God consciousness and God Creator are the same. One receives the message, the other delivers. One answers to the ORIGIN, one answers to the Creator.
ORIGIN: All one/alone existence, Life > purpose
God Creator: from here the group consciousness emerged
God consciousness : puts us in the creative arena ( here we have the platform to play the game) to be continued