Thought I would use this opportunity to get the attention of those who are really aware of the warfare we are in. We must lead by example by openly abandoning this system and claiming what is our birthright, for the adrenochrome emitted from your chromosomes is what gives this system its power in the first place, ABANDON FEAR COMPLETELY and step into this new timeline with confidence standing firm in what you innerstand.
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I needed this family, ase 👁️
Peace, LoVe & Light FaM. I agree. We may have different perspectives but we are saying the same thing. We are in a War that we can not See. There are only 144,000 of us for a reason. I've tried & tried to reason with others to make them see what is really going on. & the more I did that. Those same reflections show me that they are not ready for what I'm talking about yet. The 1's that are on the same path as Us show that when we communicate. Jus to let everyone know. Every friendship is a relationship that shows how you can handle being in a relationship with your significant other. So if you can't treat your Friend with Respect. Then you can't show your significant other Respect either. Everything you experienced in a relationship is what we all needed to go through in order to see what's Right 4 Us & what's Not Right 4 Us. What we are willing to accept from others. & how we deal with everything that happens around others we choose to be around. We are being watched haha. Not only by TheM. But by our Ancestors, our Spirit Guides & Guardian Angel's & Divine Source aka Most High. I've seen them cheering 4 Mee. Raise your frequency & your vibration by staying Positive FaM. Through thick & thin. There are no Ups & DownZ. Jus Upz. Once you innerstand that the Universe is only going off how YOU feel & think about everything. So once you meditate & start slowing everything down to your paste. Everything works for you. Not against you. & you'll See that. & jus so you know I really be On Itt. You can close your eyes & close your Third Eye. & some more stuff haha. This only happens when you are Positive. You have to be Fully Relaxed tho. & this is old. But you may need this info once Thing's Are Shown To You. Peace, LoVe & Light to all of my God's & Goddesses of Planet Ki, The Astrals & Sirius X. I leave as I come