Hey family! I’ve been in the hospital since Sunday morning around 5am. I was found unresponsive on the floor by a friend & rushed to the ER. I laid alone for 10 hours w/ puppy & ancestors. They kept me alive to write this message. I was diagnosed with walking pneumonia 😒.. I have a long road to recovery family. I’m asking if you guys can donate something small so I can focus on healing for the next week & not these worldly monetary things that we all hate.
You guys can text or call me 202*956*8817 & my cash app is $KELLZCASHOUT
even if it’s $1 it’ll help me get a bag of Doritos lol 😂
Asé family

Peace Reflection jus think like Dr Sebi n you’ll be back to da Goddess u love to feel like in no time!!! Everyday is a Grand Rising 4 u family.. Get Back Soon☮️❤️🙌🏾