See if you thought niggas was just go roll over lmao naw its go take more than you saying we need some paper work or i cant get in college or the store i asked yesterday Look what i see today lol if we can make businesses for 10 20 k if i can buy fake Newport's for 8 to 10 bucks in the city if i can buy jordans on link i know damn well we go have them cards on deck niggas go be selling them joints like loose squares 🤘🐍👌 man i love us so much

Shid imma need the ewwop card that say I'm overdosed on them hoes. Like a God been out here with the sick of sickness lol
Who ever got them cards hit me up
It’s one cheaper then that
I gave this to my Job when they tried to come with that bullshit…. I have been politely cleared to continue. I’m about to leave that shit anyway. But point is there’s ways around all this shit. You just have to Do the due diligence 😌🙏🏾💯
Lmao Facts God…… This shit is Chess not checkers… I’m finna have those on deck too 😂
The system can’t stop the gods