Grand Awakening Reflections!
As you embark each day on your journey continue to grow and be the best version of yourself by continue to evolve in REMEMBERING!
Knowledge of self is simply remembering who you are.
“They” disconnected us from nature by indoctrinating us into be being “civilized“ and by also saying that anything that was connected to nature and being naked was uncivilized.
Being their version of “civilized” is our kryptonite and to continue to regain our remembrance is to simply reconnect back to their version of what they call “uncivilized“.
Our true civility is not told to us. It’s not learned. It‘s just is. It’s who we are by our natural being.
Our being is the connection to what supports the creation of our being which INCLUDES nature and we must reverse all else that goes against our true divinity.
PEACE & Love God’s Goddesses. I salute to the divinity within you.
PEACE & Love to all the human beings in the evolution of high frequency in righteousness.
Asé Asé Asé to the ethereal Gods & Ancestors that guide and protect those who are chosen.
I come as I leave.
Love this Goddess. Keep breaking the spell of Leviathan by spreading truth. And then we sleep no more.