In this system one can have many degrees in the highest form of letters behind your 3rd Dimensional name and it will only account for the frequency that it was designed for.
But as for our true Soular Name which is not native to this dialect, intellect is evolved into intelligence which it is above the value of intellect of this poorly constructed constitution of a falsehood of elevation and ascension.
They even had the mitigated gall to convinced us to believe that their system is excellence by stealing our format.
They call their system Universities. STOLEN!
They call their system HIGHER Learning. STOLEN!
You excel this system by degrees. STOLEN!
All designed to make you a slave to this system with the illusion of DEBT! You owe them for a false sense of self! Ain’t dat some BS!
They knew that they had to add universal principles in their construct for our harvested energies of the neuromelanin being to make it work. But it is beneath us in its entirety!
We are the alpha and the omega! Anything in between is there to facilitate those who were created in our image. It’s for them, not US!
Always innerstand that the highest level of knowledge on this plane is STOLEN.
Also REMEMBER that the highest level of INNERSTANDING is within YOUR DIVINITY!
Asé Asé Asé to the Gods and the Ancestors for divine innerstading & wisdom.
PEACE unto you Gods & Goddesses.
I too come as I leave.
~Pye aka Divine Words of Wisdom ☀️🔥✊🏾💜
Asé 🔥