I'm currently diving into cleansing my chakras, and I watched the root chakra mass meditation video on D.I.'s YouTube aswell. Multiple times to be exact since I have to rewire my brain, feel me?
So stating that, I have a couple of questions for y'all beautiful reflections- Gods & Goddess currently residing in/with planet Tiamat with me;
So I have become aware of the energy within my body (warm/hot). I've always been told that I produce above-normal body heat and always thought it was just normal to every guy but that's not really true.
I can get my body to get relaxed within 5min of sittin still, I'm also able to clear up my mind, but I'm having trouble sort of visualizing the result that I'm trying to achieve.
My questions are-
What should I be trying to visualize? Or am I not supposed to attempt to visualize the energy flowing through me? In which way should I stir my imagination when it comes to dealing SPECIFICALLY with the Root Chakra?
I dunno watch Mooji on YouTube
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