Your power is directly linked to and managed by your Souls alignment. thus you can only activate as much power as you are in your highest form. By filling yourself with Universal innerstanding and high vibrations. abandoning pride , low vibrational judgement and truly believing in your divinity. you will get to being as powerful as you can be. focus your intent. but dont think about intending shit. just intent on whatever you will. dont intend on intending. Abandon Time and the concept of past and future as much as you need to. everything is now.
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Really? Fa real?🤔
What IM saying is that no matter what. you will be as powerful as you high vibrational. that means that you can never accidentally will for some bullshit like jumping into traffic and getting run over.your SOL regulates all of that. do you think we would come unprepared? so what they have ways to project thoughts. rise above them. dont give these negative beings your consent. REJECT anything low vibrational . stop thinking and talking so much but instead intent . stop reading so much too.