Grandrising to all the beautiful Souls on planet Ki. Time is speeding up and I am sure you all feel it. There’s so much going on on the 🌎 right now that’s causing confusion instead of fusion it’s part of the divine plan. I am going to share somethings with y’all to give you a better understanding of yourselves and how this multi dimensional verse came about. Before I do this I have something else to share. I found this out recently on another sister,s channel. She,s more into the Bible but her knowledge is on point and she possesses some of the other books of the Bible that were left out. First of all keep in mind everything is energy. We.ll use this term for now until I get into the creation story. Our records of the past.
It wasn,t Gods alone who fell from heaven it was also minerals (they,re the watchers) Trees, rocks, crystals and everything we know and use on the 🌎. The 🌎 is an enterty just like us and she has all the things of nature as we do. We’re the 🌎 and she is us what we call nature.
These watchers are a lot of our minerals that are mined for profit and we participate unknowingly in the destruction and robbing the 🌎 of her resource. Take a look at the following list and you will see what is being presented to you. So you can have a better understanding how we’re connected and it is and was our duty to protect her at all cost. Since we didn’t do our work she got damaged and so did we. These watchers also followed us and were cast out. We fell for the luxury and comfort of being pampered. I will give you the mineral and what they do.
copper Alienation, buried in the ground
Earth. 💥 teaches alienation
Comets. Judge of God
sulphur false authority
Ore. rock used to extract
coal loneliness used as fuel
Phosphorus fear used in beer making
Phosphate rock acid used in fertilizers, detergents, household cleaning products in foods as addictives, soft drinks and as treatment for drinking water
Marble. Lying, how many of those top buildings are covered with marble
Petroleum 💥 of Man it’s a mixture of hydrocarbons, crude oil used in esoteric medical equipment.
Comets. Mystery
General Electric hatred
Sulphur False authority ( near 🌋) used in car batteries, fertilizers, rubber, to bleach paper, cement, gunpowder, pesticides
Meteor Iron War, native metal, iron the earliest form was used by humans in the Iron Age.
Mercury Pollution ( earth,s crust) used to treat syphillis and for 🦷 fillings
Uranium. Mistrust, also found in🦞 can end life on 🌎
Fermentation illusions in alcohol, spirits, liquor breakdowns into yeast turns to lactic acid
Arcenic illness ( grey and yellow soil, sediments, ground water. The organic forms fish and shellfish
Lead Doubt found in paints, plumbing materials, cosmetics, batteries and gasoline.
Steel. Conformity
Gold. Self glory, value of currency
Aluminium. Laziness most widely used in the earth,s crust transportation, construction, electronics, consumer goods. Causes constipation and nausea.
Can you see now how the manipulation of the mind started. All these minerals are mined in a number of countries, extracted from the 🌎 and used in technology for example copper, gold, silver, lithium, potassium, cobalt, aluminum, silicone are used in glass screens, satellites and other products that we used daily without a thought of where they,re coming from. Now if you’re well informed all these companies, their stocks are falling because they,re been shut down by outer forces. Now that the 🌎 is awake and ascending to her rightful place she can’t be no longer stripped of her resources.
This is to let you know how we all fell from grace and the effects these things have placed on us. The question is what are we going to do now that the information is here? Are we going to continue as before or make a change. Change is inevitable and if we don’t change life will change us. This is all for today when I come back we’re going to start with our records of the past ( history) Enjoy the rest of your day ☮️ ❤️ 💥 ☀️🔥 🃏👋🏾
Greetings Goddess Grand rising and Thank You💯👌🏾🦾🦾
Greetings Reflection! PEACE within you! Eye always innerstood that this is far more than what we can either fathom and what we do innerstand is a drop in the ocean by comparison to what is. But it is very interesting to innerstand the frequency contribution right to the minerals that they use against us to sustain their presence on this plane. It’s a lot but Eye am here for all that Eye can absorb externally and sift through it with my inner knowing. Gratitude to you Goddess! We appreciate you wholeheartedly. 👁💜