I’ve been seeing the same repeating numbers lately like 1111,111,222,333,444,555,336,339,609,or double digits beside one number 644,655,711,911,Nd more everytime mostly when I look at clock without trying too they appear for the past 2 weeks I wondering where do I find the true meaning to these messages since there are multiple sites but they look white washed lol?
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For the simple fact that you recognize the sychronicities means you are activating or waking up even more and advanced beings along with the universe are sending you messages. So what whatever you was thinking about before seeing the numbers plays a part too. 111 means trust your intuition/your thoughts can manifest fast/your on the right path. 222 is dealing with balance and alignment. I'll post the rest cause I Do Numbers.✌🏾
Been seeing the same a lot of the 111 222 333 444 555 I even saw 999 a few times and I have never caught the triple 9 before
I’ve been seeing these sequences as well, especially now that I have more crystals in my possession. Most sites are white washed or new age sites. I would also just tap into your intuitive nature and meditate all of our answers lie within. 👁🔑