Divine Innerstanding Goddess. So to answer the question the difference is like… When you Innerstand something it’s not based on Emotion like love which can be manipulated. It’s more so based upon Logic. Example. If you’re facing forward. And you take a 180 degree turn around. You should be facing the opposite way right? That’s based upon logic. Now to overstand would be to even look at logic from a birds eye View. Example. We’re told spinning 180 degrees means the opposite way right? That’s logic. Birds eye view or to overstand would be Who says that that particular logic of 180 degrees really means your facing that way? From overstand view you can see all different points of logic. For logic can be correct in multiple ways, just like the truth can be true in different ways. Birds eye view helps you see everything from a Gods or Goddess point of view. No limitations to logic for logic has a box and you’re seeing outside of the box. Ase’🙏🏾💯
I believe God said that innerstanding is to go into oneself for the answer and understand is to put oneself under the thing you question something like that lol peace reflection
Divine Innerstanding Goddess. So to answer the question the difference is like… When you Innerstand something it’s not based on Emotion like love which can be manipulated. It’s more so based upon Logic. Example. If you’re facing forward. And you take a 180 degree turn around. You should be facing the opposite way right? That’s based upon logic. Now to overstand would be to even look at logic from a birds eye View. Example. We’re told spinning 180 degrees means the opposite way right? That’s logic. Birds eye view or to overstand would be Who says that that particular logic of 180 degrees really means your facing that way? From overstand view you can see all different points of logic. For logic can be correct in multiple ways, just like the truth can be true in different ways. Birds eye view helps you see everything from a Gods or Goddess point of view. No limitations to logic for logic has a box and you’re seeing outside of the box. Ase’🙏🏾💯
I believe God said that innerstanding is to go into oneself for the answer and understand is to put oneself under the thing you question something like that lol peace reflection