Grand rising GODS AND GODDESSES somebody explain this to my cause I’m LOST how im on some BLACK REVOLUTIONARY shit ready to fuck up these oppressors at any moment but my supposed to be Goddess not on the same tip im on but then she turns around and call me a narcissist because I’m not ROMANTIC lol I’ve never even been the romantic type and she know this been knew this even when I was sleep and like I told her being ROMANTIC stated in ROME/GREEK between 2 MEN so no I am not ROMANTIC we are in the END GAME oh yea and she not into polygany
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I removed my self from that situation packed everything I felt I needed n dipped while I’m on the clock
A God and Goddess has to be on the same page right now with what’s going on if not things will not work and, you guys won’t ascend together.
Yeah, God she’s still caught up in this system anyone that’s in this system there definition of a God is a narcissist in there eyes and, if she’s not into polygamy then you guys will never work your going to have to make some tough decision and, it’s going to have to be quick what they so, call time that they created is going quickly time is flying right now.
Told my girl the same I'm a fighter not a lover