Here in this list i will be mentioning locations that have alot of high vibrational sunlight radiation and heat. not so much about "history" but more about location ley lines parrallels "weather" and temperature .
all 33rd parallel cities in the "us"

(atlanta) look at that sky, these locations are pretty important and great overall if you are already located in the "usa" for many reasons such as the fact that the 33rd parralel line runs through them thus having alot of KI energy flow in from the planet and subsequently photon energy from the sun at higher vibrations, Located at the center area of the realm somewhere like atlanta and georgia have alot of natural energy built up and also experience heavy solar energy due to lesser cloud coverage compared to other "states" some aswell with arizona. one thing to note that just as this is a great location to charge up your own energy the enemies also like to cast spells and sacrifices with their energy at these locations too.
2. Kush, Nubia and Timbuktu

(west bank of luxor)

(giza or timbuktu?)

(marsa alam)
This location is also pretty great. located along the same vein as the 33rd parallel and sharing a link to the Titan Ocean and the same "sea" as the Caribbean (remember the maps they use are false) also being in the location of Timbuktu alot of energy flows here just like in the "usa" . a major thing here are the temperatures and heat. all in all in the north the "weather" is cooler but in the south and in Giza "weather" is decently hot.. reaching 45-55 degrees in Luxor and Aswan or 40 degrees average in Cairo, (Celsius) the air is although less humid unless in a city near Cairo or near the Sea causing the heat to be in a situation where it feels less hot but also causes more detoxing through sweating but also more dehydration aswell.
the sand causes the floor to get very hot also which is nice. the "Southern" region also known as Nubia is also majority GOD and GODESS in terms of who lives there. prices are cheap , but be aware this is a muslim majority country and some people cant be religious freaks here that will throw a tantrum if you take your shirt off or something.
3. the "Gulf"

(al ain)
This place id only really reccomend for the heat. and there is ALOT of Heat here. in the "summer" temperatures can get to about 40 degrees average with highs being regularly 45+ or even 50+. the key here though is that the humidity is actually high. so because of that the heat index can be upwards of 120-140 degrees Celsius. which is why the cities and towns are pretty much empty during the day because most human beings now cant bear this level of intense high vibrational air and photon energy. so you see the heat here is intense but besides that , the price and the level of quality of living id say isnt all too high here in terms of how opressive the gov may be or how natural everything would be.

(a tree stump in the Atacama dessert they named "Llullaillaco"
home to the Atacama desert . this place is full of photon energy. due to the high altitudes and low cloud coverage the Atacama can get more than 4x the amount of sunlight uv radiation than for example arizona
there are some other reasons to come here. for example the native tribes and also the northern cities look nice in terms of appearance but to be honest this place I would go to just to be near these massive tree stumps. maybe even climbing to the top of one and being there for a bit. its extreme levels of radiation going on here, heat wise apparently it can get cold near the high altitudes due to theri winter tech trying to weaken the trees here. but its a hot place otherwise

(Dar es salaam, note that there still can be chemtrails here, but very rarely compared to the USA or Europe)


(a beach in Zanzibar I think)

(The Great Tree Kilimanjaro)
now I could have picked literally any place in so called "Africa" in this place and it would be good so keep that mind. but Tanzania is also great. ranging in temperatures all around Tanzania is one of the most anti Vax places in terms of countries, Tanzania has almost allways been open to travel during the "lockdown" Tanzania is located in a place where it guarantees that the temperature is never cold. Tanzania is super organic and beatiful. Tanzania has the largest standalone Tree on this realm (atleast within the ice barrier) named Kilimanjaro. allways experiences high photon radiation especially in the place known as Dodoma
Yeah Tanzania is great.
6.The Final one on this list is. India

(ghats )



( a beach)

(Shiva statue)
Specifically South India but all of this place has ALOT of hidden beauties first of all check out this whole channel to learn how advanced our ancestors and we were.
second of all. the population is the south is majority God. its very hot and its not as polluted as the north.