Now we all know reflections thata english is a language basically produced to cast spells on yourself .
for example saying Good m***ning everyday is a spell.
fuck that shit BRUH how many fucking "times" has someone woke up and said good m***ning to someone ?. that is probably responsible for more deaths than heart disease
that's just one example
here are few more
Man and Woman
How insulting is it to call a Goddess or God a Black Woman or Man. WE are neither black nor Human
Black means blanc as in . pale. white
Man is the germanic word for Man as in the species of human.
The words for time as also strange
Time sounds like Thyme the herb (which one came first)
hour is just our
week is just weak
month is just moon and menstraution
Second is just Second as in Second to the First because thats the time spell. its thinking about a moment ahead rather than just being in the now.
Day and night are words invented by the germanic tribes.
Year is another invented word so only 2-3 words mean something orignal so far
Night is from NOX from is the Wife Erebus of the King of the Titans / Daemons / Ashura
Decade comes from Ten and also sounds like Decayed
Century is 100
millennium comes from Mile as in 1000
Eon comes from age
Sleep should be rest
Person means a Persona
Me is the ego
clearly we didn't make this language at all.
so what were the first original languages made?
well there's 3 paths.
1. Our languages
2. languages we gave to Human Beings
3. Human / reptilian languages.
Well we have many Languages that we never actually taught to the human beings such as many tribal languages found across "australia" and "africa" a few languages also may be our languages without us really knowing it.
Examples include
Khoi Khoi
basque (might be the language we used before europe invasion)
Swahili (possibly, if not this is the origin to Arabic)

and many many other tribal dialects. this may be what they meant by the tower of babel. especially since we know there are very few actual langauges between human beings yet just on australia there are probably twice as humans ever had.
these languages were formed by us for either two reasons. to communicate if telepathy isn't possible or to cast spells or both. chances are the first reason isn't that common since we can use telepathy at any point but the second makes sense. so yes these languages are at least as powerful as the second category or if not then stronger they were literally made by us.
These are the original Languages we gave TO HUman beings. some of them work to create spells but I don't think they all work as well as each other?.
So heres the first one Latin. this is the language we gave to all Human beings in the location of Europe .This is the language the Moors taught to the Europeans and this was notably the one that the enemies use the MOST out of all of them.
Next is Sanskrit this is the one taught to the Human beings in the middle east and India. an incredibly powerful language that we have used ourselves too.
3rd is Arabic the origins of arabic are a bit weird.namely the fact that there are 3 possible origins for this language being Amharic Somali or Swahili so those 3 are the original. but the thing is that Somali has claims as the Original language used in Timbuktu thus being one of our languages too just like Sanskrit meaning it may be just as powerful as the tribal ones but also Swahili is like half arabic half something else but its a GOD language used in Uganda Kenya Tanzania and Mozambique.
4th Is Japanese. now this may seem far out but the fact that this language sounds so potent and pure the fact that we taught the Japanese so much about our planet and they seem to honestly respect Her more than most human beings . well some of the more traditional ones. also the Ainu clan is actually Gods anciently. look at their skin and features in the "old photos"

they were pretty much "outbred" and taken over with eugenics!!
we have covered all places apart from the five dollar Indians. now I have a theory. some of the "native languages" are in this catagory and some are in the first. because of the fact that so far besides Chinese the languages have been matching with places that Human Beings live this one is an outlier. did these Human Beings really steal all of our langauges? probably not. some are likely unnatural completely like Inuit langauges . and some are probably given to humans but some where probably ours. which is one of the ways theyve tried to fuck the "american" Gods over with confusion!!. Seminole might be only fucking natural God Language there.
6th. Chinese or Tibetan.
one of these two is natural as in God or both of them are taught. China just like all the other langauges and places are one of the original human "civilizations"
now the third catagory.
the unnatural ones .
German german is what happens when cavemen first tried to and did not succeed in learning latin .
GokTurk turkish languages are from the same cloth as german
Inuit from these human beings who love cold temperatures there is no doubt that these languages are unnatural
Slavic same as german you can actually see that slavic is a perverted version of sanskrit and latin by observing the similiarities between them and lithuanian .
Etc human languages are essentially either from or are similiar to these languages
English is an invented language that has been made using Reptilian spells and etc to cast spells on anyone who speaks it in the wrong way. the way we speak "english" isnt even english its german mixed with latin.
I don't like saying our brother name nor giving him power, remember teach said the moon is NOT REAL and by giving power to it is by giving power to our brother not us.
👁 , great info reflection , eye gotta go within on this , just blew em my mind away 😭 dam didn’t really look at it like that till u broke it down all da way
heard, let those who have eyes to see and ears to hear take notice. Clarity on #1: - regarding telepathy or spells: spells are THOUGHT or THOTH or mercury. The buddha (one who transcended mercury or buddhi) spoke about spells too, and admonished them to his monks as "LOWLY" (because they are of this planet, this realm and therefore detachment demands even they be abandoned). He would be the one to know about them... -- JUPITER or "Zeus"(zeus is really one aspect of jupiter, a fallen one indeed) is actually the throat chakra or "god of the WORD". - Therefore, give the above assumptions: spells are the the solar plexus. They are the mind WILL center we have been cut off from because the dracos came in the shifted things, and then reptilians told us our jupiter was mars (sacral/dan-tien) and our mercury was in the throat(ego-identified manifestations enabling us to be slaves)
- Spells are not words in a language. Spells are YOUR WILL(solar plexus). This is why in video games(also a media owned by lizards yet telling the truth), you use WILL POWER to cast spells. Let those who have eyes to see and ears to hear innerstand this. You have 7 (major) gods + a father and a mother and the absolute. One of those gods speaks THE WORD, and another god WILLS REALITY VIA THE ELEMENTS. You/we/the illusory "I" is a combination of function with all the Gods. This is why we need to meditate...meditation is essentially "inner connection with all the Gods". Rashad talks about this a lot but in the background of his lectures. We've forgotten about who we really are. And we think "who we really are" is like some identification system or TITLE system, but NO THAT TITLE SYSTEM WAS GIVEN TO US BY THE DRACOS AND SLAVE-MASTERS(who setup the slave system). If we remember who we are just a little bit more every day we can come to higher and higher innerstandings and continue our ancient mission(enlightenment). Chakra key: saturn = root mars = sacral mercury(lower&higher mental realms) = solar plexus venus = heart chakra jupiter = throat (the WORD need be used for the most high upon this innerstanding) moon = third eye sun = crown father sky above(a metaphor for cosmic seeds which are us), mother NATURE (GOD) below.
That's deep God that's deep, I can't even say nothing right now just speechless glad you shared.