PEACE to the Gods and Goddesses and anyone vibrating high,
Just took in a download from The Voice Rashad Jamal...the shift is gonna happen all through November...anyone who got the vaccine cannot be saved. They gonna shift into zombies when the 5G towers activate, don’t worry those Gods and Goddesses are still immortal but they vessel gonna have to die. Remember this is just our vessel. Ask the Ancestors to remind you who you are and what are your core abilities. Those are gonna be your powers when you activate/shift. Some of you already know your abilities. It could be any super power that resonates with you. Bullets will bounce off of you. It only takes one of us to fuck shit up for them. So imagine what it’s gonna be like when we all activate. Remember the movie Hancock? With Will Smith? yeah that’s how we coming..make sure your intentions are pure, meaning you wanna save the planet, your people, and the animals...and make sure you do deep meditation and get some sun ☀️ PEACE
Thank you reflection 9️⃣9️⃣9️⃣