Ma = GREATER THAN (ra+ma = yin and yang portal balanced with harmony)
La(or Yaa) = Venus (also true, yaa is heart chakra sound)A = ??? I keep getting hints that "ah" is a corruption or somethingBa = merkabah = two pyramids not triangles thoughEl/Ella = Gods and goddessesGa = "go ahead" > info packet from the heaven/yang portal down to lowest realmsGabriel = Ga + ba + el Thanks for posting, fascinating stuff. really considering making my own grammar or at least fully utilizing a higher vibe one than english
fa = mars ka = mercury (true I think)
Wa = Saturn though this is a corruption I think
Ta(urus) = planet kai
Sa = Sun
Ra = the hidden one aka "No"
Ma = GREATER THAN (ra+ma = yin and yang portal balanced with harmony)
La(or Yaa) = Venus (also true, yaa is heart chakra sound) A = ??? I keep getting hints that "ah" is a corruption or something Ba = merkabah = two pyramids not triangles though El/Ella = Gods and goddesses Ga = "go ahead" > info packet from the heaven/yang portal down to lowest realms Gabriel = Ga + ba + el Thanks for posting, fascinating stuff. really considering making my own grammar or at least fully utilizing a higher vibe one than english