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Tyric Keith
Feb 09, 2024
In General Discussions
Over the course of the energy cycles that done came and pass situations have happened like this before that Divine Insight is going thru. From Africa with Nelson Mandela to the States with the Black Panthers and others who spoke out against the beings in power that was framed and incarcerated put under unlawful conditions all was working for the greater good of us Gods and Goddesses. Divine Insight is different because he has worked to help us remember all of the truths that these oppressors tried to hide from us so they are slowly working to keep him from having any communication to continue exposing the truths they have been working so hard to hide. History shows that Divine Insight wasn't the only one put thru these things for what he's been doing helping us carbonated beings🕊️. With me once being locked up in prison before Ik that no matter how many phone calls or letters that are being made or sent out that doesn't affect them because it's not changing what's going on inside those walls, and I can say first hand that in prison and out here in the free world, it's like living 2 different realms because inside of there your whole persona has to change being that there are so many different personalities in there especially dealing with the police. And inside those walls that's their domain and they will do anything they have to, to be sure that's known to the Gods and Goddesses locked up and subtly to us out here. Yes actions can be taken out here but the type of actions that will really take affect is the type of actions the the majority of beings wouldn't want to take because of the responsibilities out here especially if they is children to be taken care of. The only thing that will really work is if the Gods that's in the prison with Divine Insight could be reached out to and agree upon starting a riot on the inside because that's what they really gone be worried about the most because the police can lose their lives on the inside and gone do what they can to make all that die down without risking the lives of their workers. And the only thing they will comprehend on the inside is violence because they know the number of prisoners outnumber the police that's working on the inside. Organized attacks that's gone have physical effect is what's gone make them hurry on their transition of moving the God Divine Insight out of his solitary confinement. Some may think this is a bit too much, but with them being a species who has settled everything thru violence this is a guaranteed thing that will shake them to the core and rethink what they are doing. Efficient Organized attacks where Divine Insight is at will only let them know how serious we is in this fight against them. Once I'm off of these oppressors supervised probation I will be in the field gathering as many as possible to show them that actions is really being taken with violence instead of just knowledge being passed around that isn't being used. God Talk🕊️
Tyric Keith
Jan 29, 2024
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I was watching the God Divine Insight's lecture on Black beard and The pirates of the Caribbean and it came to me that our Divine Cosmic family placed grace upon me to let me know the truth of the Goddesses that was captains of ships wielding the power to manipulate the elements in this book I was reading during my legal slavery in prison. The book is called "The Wheel of Time" and in it is talked about different males and females that is born with abilities that relates to everything that was talked about by Divine Insight in his lectures. Later in the series there was some women who were captains of the ships who wielded such power but they were all black with tattoos and wearing gold ornaments. If you look up the book and type in seafolk with it you'll see that they are Goddesses when you press images or type in the name Atha'an Miere they will pop up. Watching Divine Insight's lecture had brought this to my attention seeing how much truth that is put into books for entertainment purposes without knowing that there will be Gods and Goddesses and high vibrational human beings that will really sit back and think about this. My appreciation goes to our Divine Cosmic family members for placing grace upon me and revealing things to me without even being conscious of it. That just goes to show that so much could be learned from just reading a book. If y'all want to check out the book series it's good to read, but reading it with your third eye open will really show you how much it correlates with what is going on now. Peace Gods and Goddesses🕊️✨
Tyric Keith
Jan 21, 2024
In General Discussions
If you seek it and really want it you shall manifest and find it🕊️.
Tyric Keith
Jan 21, 2024
In General Discussions
I'm from North Carolina and had a lot of encounters/spiritual experiences on my family land that has been owned by us over 150 years so that has really been a huge energy point for me to have encounters with my family that transcended and receive downloads on how my life will be effected in the coming energy cycles ahead. Thanks to the God Divine Insight I was able to learn that my Astral name that I was born with is Alulaki. Alulaki the Fierce to the Oppressors and any opposition on their side. And I learned of other Gods I had lived as on this realm and had a major impact. All of this occurred and was shown to me because all of my chakras is open and me being in the Astrals without knowing the true knowledge and power that's in it with me only practicing to communicate with the other beings I live as else where and my inner child. I also meditated with my supreme being not being conscious to the fact that the Good Spirits been tryna get in contact with me on my family land before all of this because I was too busy trappin doing crazy shit and had to be disciplined by getting sent to prison and is now on probation to really find myself and the Divine Orisas' because I was having visions of my life being read to me before I was born into this realm in this energy cycle and was blocked from seeing that vision and had to meditate to remember it and get those blockages off of me. I'm not here to just talk about my experiences and to help with anything anyone of you may need help with which you may not innerstand but to really press the fact that anyone vibrating high has a part to play whether it's war, medical, being a teacher, or a provider of certain items to help enhance Astral abilities. I'm here now posting once again because the notion came to me to speak now on Divine Insight's website to really see who's serious about being active in the Rebellion against the oppressors and who I can work with while on this mission to help Mother Gaia/Kai rise and take our land back. I'm a Rebel and a Revolutionary Warrior that's not looking for any reactions to this post but to inspire any who feels as if they're being called to do anything that could make a change no matter how judgmental others could be or how destructive it may be walking that path, just know that any of you will be covered by the Divine helping do what needs to be done. Some of you may have had experiences where it was something that you thought of something that you could but thought like hell nah Ian doing it but still found yourself doing it without really being conscious of it. I have just like I never thought I'll be as spiritually in tune as I am now but destiny always finds its way to come in to play to get anyone on their rightful path unless they keep going against it. Without even knowing it I had read books in prison that the Divine purposely had sent to me when I was checking out books to read in the hole about the things going on now because the oppressors put real events in them to make good stories because most will not believe the plan that's written in between the lines of them that's happening now and was happening in the past. I always been a rebel this only helped me get back on my path of the things I must do and if I was out when all those riots was going on down in Raleigh I would've been a part of them. Rise Gods and Goddesses if you feel you are destined for greatness chase that sensation✨🕊️
Tyric Keith
Nov 22, 2023
In General Discussions
First and foremost I'm gone say free Rashad Jamal; Divine Insight for creating this page so the Gods and Goddesess that's dedicated to making a change can communicate, and learn from him, and each other. We are all here because we are being awakened and we all have some part to play in this period of time and in the times that are ahead of us. Being selected to become a leader for the people in your surrounding area is a big responsibility, it can also be daunting because so many people come and go that it leaves some type of effect because nothing wrong happened other than showing unconditional love and try to give some well needed knowledge to other people wake up to all that there is without focusing on the material things, to the divine beings that are behind so many things and so many of us. That life is so much more beautiful on this side of things. Gods Goddesses that are selected go through the most because a job is bestowed upon us to not only be responsible for ourselves but for other people too because some people just don't know better and need to be awakened, ain't no telling how they need to be awakened but they are. And to the people that just doesn't have the eyes and ears to see, it's gone hurt the most with them because they might be the ones that we love the most, and a lot of times we love them a lot more because it's hard to stress the fact to them that everything is not what it is, and it's saddening to see people stuck in the matrix when there is so much going on in the world that our Divine family has their hands in🤍. Things may happen quicker for others but long as you stay dedicated to your path and that your in tune with our Divine cosmic family, it doesn't matter how much less that a person may have because through our ancestors we obtain a wealth of knowledge that brings everything else along with it🍀. These words is not only for y'all but also for myself because those that are selected goes through the most because of the beings that don't want to see us rise up, and everything is tried to keep us dissuaded from rising in frequency and life how we are supposed to with everything else that we put our focus on in this physical realm. No matter how many people come and go, long as you have your Divine guardians with you never give up and fold because you are destined for greatness so keep fighting and the reward is coming for staying dedicated to their will❤️‍🔥 Peace family🕊️🍀
Tyric Keith
Nov 12, 2023
In General Discussions
First and foremost I'm going to say that, thanks to Rashad Jamal that my spiritual journey has exceeded anything that I thought that I would go through and experience. Thanks to him the Ancestors, Orishas, and other Divine cosmic family members has reached out to me pushing to get the words out there of what's to come and the fact that others must learn to be who they once used to be as Gods and Goddesses and embrace this life. If anyone had any of our Divine cosmic family members bestowed upon them for their grace🕊️ it's going to be taken away if life is not being lived according to their plan now that everything has been set into motion. Together with unity we can excel and live like our Ancestors wish us to while fighting off the oppressors. My words don't get taken seriously because of people can't accept that they're coming from and our Divine cosmic family speaks through me even though there is facts placed with those words. Thanks to Rashad Jamal I was able to remember where I came from before I touched this world and was able to realize how the fallen were working to keep me from remembering that place I came from. I found out that my cosmic name is chosen and Divine Insight seemed very familiar one day I was watching his video. The warrior spirit inside us as vessels to complete our Ancestors will is working in us and their working overtime to wake others up and stop these oppressors. I hope my words get to him so we can get in contact with one another, I don't have the funds to pay for the videos but the ones I seen helped a lot. And I hope my words is appreciated on this website and that we can come together as one. Positive Energy Always Creates Elevation🕊️❤️‍🔥

Tyric Keith

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