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It will always be a carbonated being doing their work for all they had to do was plant the seeds👁️
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Feb 09, 2024
You have to remember who you are reflection‼️ Meditation and magik is in fact how we’re supposed to fight this battle. If you innerstand anything about rising in vibration and frequency You would innerstand the power within meditation for this is how we’ve been rising and remembering all that we are! We never had to use guns or any man made weapons for that matter for we are The Real scientists… Magik is our natural instinct this is why they stripped the Gods/Goddesses of our essence and severed our connections with nature which is why we MUST return to nature for our Ancestors have always fucked them up using only our ancient magik that the oppressors simply can not innerstand for our magik and natural connections we share with all of our creations are far past their comprehension of knowledge!… say we go down to the prison or where ever and rage war do you innerstand how many of our leaders we lose??? Do you innerstand how rambunctious and hasty that move would be? THEY plan is to continue to have us move outside of ourselves reflection you must see This… their attack on Divine Insight is to have the Gods/Goddesses move off “anger” that we know isn’t true emotions, We must learn to control and balance our chaos energy for it will come “time” to unleash. We must embody the alchemist that we are and transmute negativity energy into P..E.A.C.E WE the Gods/Godddess must move as ONE, move strategically, practice the use of our ancient magik, strengthen our abilities that lies dormant and continue to Rise the frequency and vibrations of Planet KI together for there is no separation. Asè Asè Asè NOW WE RISE HIGHER🐉 #RashadJamalFree‼️
In General Discussions
Feb 08, 2024
P.E.A.C.E god I salute you in your divinity 🫀 We all know who Divine Insight is and what his mission is for he has shared this with the university many times. Not only did Divine Insight overstand his mission, he’s completing his divine mission by any means necessary selflessly and fearlessly! THEY also know what Divine Insight came to do and how quickly the god helped unplugg thousands from the matrix via his lectures so of course they’re going to handle him differently. Not only did Divine Insight carry out the divine downloads by the ancestors via lectures but the god has brought the University together in the physical which was over 500 gods/goddesses for mass meditations, to build with one another further rekindling the unity that must be restored and more. Divine Insight has stated multiple times that he’s a revolutionary so expect nothing less of the god, He move withOUT Fear and could not be controlled for the souls that gravitated towards the Truth we know are apart of his soul tribe and move just like Reflection which was The biggest issue they couldn’t have. THEY know they can’t stop the Rise but they are trying to slow US down for WE see this and must move at the same pace if not faster. For I there is no “spiritual community” for there’s nothing spiritual about the Truth this is also what’s further creating division amongst the Gods/Goddesses. We will Continue to stand together as ONE and strengthen in Unity for this is how we Win the battle for the War is already Won‼️Asè Asè Asè
We Need As Many Call As Possible Everyday!!!…
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Feb 06, 2024
P.E.A.C.E to you Goddess 🫀
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Feb 01, 2024
P.E.A.C.E Goddess, ONE 🫀
‼️ASE’ to da ancestors for always reminding me that we need to get to fucking work!!💪🏽💪🏽☀️☀️
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Jan 31, 2024
This is the age of truth
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Peace Gods and Goddesses🕊️
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Jan 29, 2024
Yes Indeed! Asè
Peace Gods and Goddesses🕊️
In General Discussions
Jan 29, 2024
Gratitudes Reflection🫀
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