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Kinue Gabriel
Apr 13, 2023
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Kinue Gabriel
Apr 13, 2023
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used to free a prisoner or someone held in any type of confinement please chant 21 times to free RJW om chakresvari chakradharini shankhara praharini rashad jamal white bandi khalas dm me for details on what it means in english. the sanskrit is used for mantra even if you know english translation. please do it with me.
Kinue Gabriel
Nov 13, 2022
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Sitting on my bed Sun shining portal opener go in, beware, irate, declare all is divine harmonic the center is black the core is gold/white the deity is benevolent i feel sad i would rather be a moon here kingliness is incredibly scary in patience we wait an image boy sitting on chair, swinging feet father tinkering virgonian intrigue activity is necessary for happiness do something you believe in do something you can put your heart into the sun is a father.
Kinue Gabriel
Sep 25, 2022
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Not sure who's on here, it's been a minute. Dove deep into island life/the Self recently. Recent meditations/comments/awakenings: 1. wow there are a lot of Pleiadians...I long to feel the respect of my tribe around me but whatever, i'm 'chill' ;p "Their goal" is without a doubt "take-over" through population/de-population. If you haven't seen the bigger picture, be sure to keep meditating and studying...the powers are steadily aligning 2. there are for sure now at 4 identifiable suns. 1. feels like the normal sun, the days feel longer and more "normal". 2nd sun: likely nemesis, super hot, mostly white with yellow tint, intense energy, often hear complaints of nirnians or their supporters. 3rd sun: Nibiru for sure... 4th sun: just came out here on the island about 2 months ago. It's the hottest sun by far, but the actual energy itself is super gentle. Also it rises very clearly the most south direction of all the suns 3. has anyone clearly found a way to identify soul identity outside of muscle testing? sometimes you just know, yet... 4. there's been several timeline's good. I can feel the upgrades and the call to go even higher. I'm working with my resistance, etc. I tried to connect to the people through clubhouse before I admitted to myself it was obviously a psy-op. One brother on a sovereign/neteru forum mentioned how right now it's really time to gain high-wisdom within in our systems for karma-yoga/divine-action. Basically though, feels like we averted a few disasters and are progressing fairly well. This is how it feels without the internet/video-AI construct thing. 5. It's all about the chakras...wowee haha. Rupa/Jing >> cycling/spinning/yin-yang rupa = polarity >> multitudes of spinning dao's = thoughts >> time-space made of all the spinning dao's arranged = heart chakra >> purity of expression in all chakra-bodies = "throat chakra". The tao says: a. know the rupa/jing/energy(the truth that brings detachment) b. circulate the material/jing into feeling-awareness c. convert the feeling-awareness into conscious thought d. refine that thought according to the cosmic laws e. enact cosmic-law-thoughts into action that's all for now. Looking to connect to any kians, sirians, or repentant pleiadians (as long as you clearly admit the relative truth of it all). If this resonated, dm me. peace within
Kinue Gabriel
Aug 08, 2022
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So, cosmic identities have to do with the soul/gandhabba(buddhist). For instance, i'm from sirius, but I was born in a family of carbonated Pleiadians. They would always tell me "oh you have that ancient African hair" hahahahahah, yeah right... Since being awakened by the god's shakti and ancestral downloads, i've witnessed a lot. I had been mostly attracting pleiadians as partners and always wondered why there was never any real respect (lol). I meet a lot of carbonated humans, I RARELY meet sirians and I actually do meet the occassional kian (original of ki) but when I do it's a somewhat tragic story of being programmed, paranoid, in fear, etc. The most I get is a psychic heart blast and a smile which I guess in this kali yuga war-time is all we can ask know that we're not alone in this incredibly loud yet silent war in our daily lives. It's weird being around people who are like "lalalala" who have no clue. Sometimes I even forget though (lol) that actually can never happen at this point. I tried searching for family and identity. I went over to the nuwabian camp but their leader was killed and cloned (sadly :/) and they weren't able to figure out the soul identity bit as far as I can see because there were several reptilians and pleiadians "teaching" nuwabian language... but they welcomed me in it was nice. Nub sabat! I also really appreciate the neter community too(ATEN!), they're the only ones who HINT at the soul identity thing, because it's hard to talk about with our egos without getting into some paranoid level of exclusionary thinking, ill-will, or confusing conversations about hair (the hair does matter though). So far this is the only community i've met that is talking about soul identities. Currently I live in a community on an island mostly ran by pleiadians posing as 'natives'. I just cried with the ancestors today about all the tragedy and the 'take-over'. I've seen how the take-over is really about genetics and bodies. They come to an indigenous being-domain-land, create strife division civil war, take out the cultural ways and replace with the technocracy versions, feed the babylon honey, and bam bring in all the pleiadians pegassians and lizzies. It's been happening here for like 200 years or so pretty strong. I guess i'm writing this here because it's literally the only place I can think of to express these thoughts to an audience. While not needed, it's somewhat cathartic to think people actually inner-stand what i'm saying hahaha. May the gods and goddess' have all necessary conditions and circumstances for all their holy wishes. Peace peace peace to all the ancestors, peace & power within.
Kinue Gabriel
Jul 03, 2022
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🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿 I want to thank all the goddess' on clubhouse and other groups who felt my plea, and though did not mentally resonate, sympathized and empathized and connected with me on a heart level. Also those gods and goddess' who continue to connect with me and others via nature/the land/aether/the astrals etc. BOUNDARY: you lizards pleiadians and others on here with carbonated bodies not ACTUALLY aligned with kians etc, this post is not for you. I dont need to hear about how we're all alone because we're not thats a shitty program STOP. I dont want to hear about it's our own journey because ALL HIGH LEVEL MAGES OF THE ENEMY ARE IN SOLIDARITY and frequently build their spellcraft TOGETHER to defeat us which is why the shitty Babylonian master/slave system is so pervasive. With that said here are some thoughts. If they move you please pm me or comment. As a sirian starseed, having tested and meditated on the truth of the cosmic story espoused by RJ and others... 2. I feel super alone. Why? Well i have my own issues and im purifying my lower chakras, super blessed ase ase ase. 3. In my own ignorance, shadow work, on TOP of everything, ive befriended pleiadians lizzies and others maligned not innerstanding that in their core they were incapable of actually caring. Its like falling in love with a c.i.a spy sent to destroy your family from the inside. Its naive and fucked up, and yet it's happening all the "time". 4. Having come into the truth of our soul identities my early attempts at connecting to other sirians and kians has been rocky. In my experience many groups like nuwaubians fail to recognize the OPS in their own group because they dont have the story, no clue what to look for. And the number of groups that are united are already weakened due to earlier co-op attacks and infiltration. 5. Of course I meet sirians and kians RARELY but those I test and verify for are usually under some major draco spells and its not divine time to do anything about it. So again, based on the above, here are some questions/thoughts. A. what is THE TRUTH about this supposed curse put on the beings here that create this weird fucking dampening field preventing us from connecting in any deep way? B. how can we assemble and VERIFY each other's soul Identity without risk of infiltration?(i would suggest not to answer this on here or publicly, pm me or simple meditate and share with your local) Theories: ✓ - i think the goddess' need to be the one to connect us. I have a strong Venus connection and as a yang aspect im told to build and grow internally for now, intuitively it feels like this is accurate. ✓ - in case youre experiencing a male avatar and you resonate at all with this - im getting that right now its all about cultivating the energy of kai/ki power/abilities within and the tribe is attracted from there. "During this time" As always if you vibe pm me. Peace 🕊️ within.
Kinue Gabriel
May 31, 2022
In General Discussions
obturos tu capitus collateral estoppel 🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿 I'm highly recommending all gods/goddess' get their info off that roll call post if they've already connected with people in their area. there are 305 views and only 42 actual comments...this is the most looked at post on the forum. please you guys, PLEASE LISTEN. SPIRITUAL WARFARE IS REAL. Don't just put your shit out there. There might even be like 3 or 4 actual gods in the post with all bots giving their info to make it seem legit; who knows. This is an obvious tactic though: Listen...I just had this realization myself so I innerstand the difficulty of finally admitting that we're at war. There is a program instilled in us somewhere in the past (80s/90s etc) that makes us pacifists by force. We don't how to reconcile an open spiritual nature with the idea of self-defense, however in reality it's really just a slave program that masquerades as spiritual. the entirety of midgard/atlantis/mu/original middle plane of planet ki was literally taken over and the return is JUST BEGINNING (the end of ascending kali yuga officially starts 2025-ish based on my calculations, 100 year gap period after) I realized finally we're in a war when I posted about SHADOW WORK and literally gave you information about the lower realms of the "illuminati 2 pillars", 1 day later they took THE ENTIRE TIBETAN BUDDHIST WEBSITE DNS DOWN. Yes, "they" did it, for real. Please do whatever you need to do to really get it in your head that we're in a war and don't make shitty mistakes like I did. At least innerstand that putting your info out on public forums (beyond reason) is not the thing to do, especially just after the "star"(respectfully, "Chief of the land") of this mandala (U.C.I) was just quarantined/detained/arrested. There are agents who seeks to make this forum unusable, and it's for sure being watched. If you watched god's videos he mentioned all this around sept 2021 last year too. Look at how many views there are in that picture above and make it make sense. I think in this time, it's best to just make 1-on-1 connections and delete the info afterwards, regarding all social media in fact. make private groups elsewhere etc. I actually make groups for communities so if you want a group made in discord(or alternative)/telegram etc dm me. #larryhooverisfree #rashadjamalisfree #zazaisfree
get your information off that roll call post content media
Kinue Gabriel
May 30, 2022
In General Discussions
spiritus sanctus in animam viventem ne dii, deus quidem super summam organique natur legem el est supra legem hominis; sapientia, bonitate, el et conservator omnium rerum, visibilium et invisibilium et domino disposition 🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿 1. we have smoofies (cee eye A and Fruct Beneficiary Ignatius aka: agent smiths) in the forum, don't be alarmed 2. likely the best way to support the god is to keep LEARNING(don't forget his vids) and have him IN SPIRIT - EYE SI EYE SI EYE SI. (unless you're in the local tribe, hearts and divinity with you in all your multi-dimensional endeavors) 3. for literally all the tribe in Ixachilan (so called "america", this is our mayan name until a more proper name than any lizard curse ;p comes along) and other original planetary races and ancestors: peace to you ancestors, power to the god, the gods and goddess', power and peace within.
Kinue Gabriel
May 26, 2022
In General Discussions
KEY(s): -Shadow = all the chakras beneath the anus, listed below as (lower chakras) and in the image provided -the "work" in shadow work = flipping or inverting the lower chakras into the higher chakra aspects - "inner transformation" -identification = none; though our multi-dimensional body & therefore existence is of these 12-14 chakras, we as spirit are actually identified with none of these. It is essentially our duty as representatives of the Creator to purify, work, transform, and ascend(etc etc) all the body, hence we are 'in a body'. The reality of our 'isness' is beyond comprehension of the mind. (9 aether beings, etc etc) -Since all beings have these chakras, one cannot "call others out" on them, simply recognize when oneself or others are operating from them and either choose to support their ascension or re-focus towards oneself. -the bones(which are crystals) contain crystallized energy from the chakras in those specific regions, direct awareness of the bones/materials in those areas is to be used in conjunction with spiritual techniques - every (evil version) of masonic imagery like this: refers to the master/slave control mechanism that attempts to keep sentient being's consciousness in one or all of these lower chakras below the anus - yes the Babylonian slave system that we are rising out of is spiritual in nature. - therefore: RISE UP FAMILY!!!! CONTEXT(Hindu): Chakras are in the Linga Sarira (astral body). - Linga Sarira is of 17 Tattvas: 5 Jnanendriyas (ears, skin, eyes, tongue and nose); 5 Karmendriyas (speech, hands, legs, genitals, anus); 5 Pranas (Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana, Samana); Manas (mind-in-motion); and Buddhi (intellect-processor). These have corresponding centres in the spinal cord and the nerve-plexuses in the gross body. Each Chakra has control and function over a particular centre in gross body(aka: "the physical body"). These cannot be seen by the naked eyes(unless you have powers of sight). Wherever there is an interlacing of several nerves, arteries and veins, that centre is called Plexuses. The physical gross plexuses that are known to the Vaidya Shastra(hindu anat. science) are: Hepatic, Cervical, Brachial, Coccygeal, Lumbar, Sacral, Cardiac, Epigastric, Esophageal, Pharyngeal, Plumonary, Lingual, Prostatic, etc. - Similarly there are plexuses or centres of Sukshma Prana in the Sushumna Nadi. All the functions of the body, nervous, digestive, circulatory, respiratory, genito-urinary and all other systems of the body are under the control of these centres in Sushumna. - These are subtle centres of vital energy. These are the centres of consciousness (Chaitanya). These subtle centres of Sushumna have their corresponding centres in the physical body. For example, Anahata Chakra which is in the Sushumna Nadi has its corresponding centre in the physical body at the heart (Cardiac Plexus). KNOW YOUR LOWER SELF AND PURIFY IT AS A BRIDE FOR CHRIST - The lower chakras: (see above image) 1. Atala: The first lower chakra, located in the hips, governs the state of mind called fear, which is truly a bottomless abyss. Someone in this consciousness fears death, fears life, even fears God and other people. This center is also the home of lust and promiscuity. 2. Vitala: Here anger predominates, and burning resentment. Anger comes from despair, confusion, frustration or lack of understanding. People in the consciousness of this chakra, centered in the thighs, are always wrathful, mad at the world, even angry at God. 3. Sutala: This chakra, found in the knees, governs jealousy, wanting what one can’t have. Jealousy is a feeling of inadequacy, inferiority and helplessness. People in sutala consciousness covet everything, often deny the existence of God and are contentiously combative. 4. Talatala: Prolonged confusion dominates here, giving rise to instinctive willfulness: to get rather than give, to push others around and pursue materialistic advancement over all else. Greed and deceit prevail in this dog-eat-dog state of mind, centered in the calves. 5. Rasatala: This chakra of the ankles is the true home of the animal nature. Unmitigated selfishness prevails, of seeing to the well-being of “number one” first. The suffering of others is of no concern. Jealousy, anger and fear are intense, even high, states of consciousness. 6. Mahatala: This is the realm of consciencelessness, or inner blindness to the effect of one’s actions, of negativity and deep depression. Those living in this chakra of the feet steal freely, taking what they justify as theirs anyway, feeling that the world “owes them a living.” 7. Patala: Here, in the soles of the feet, is the abode of destructiveness, revenge, murder for the sake of murder, torture and hatred expressed through harming the properties, minds, emotions and bodies of others. Hatred and scorn abide here. Malice reigns supreme. Reason seldom reaches this state of mind. This is the story of our evolution through the mind—from the gross to the refined, from darkness into light, from a consciousness of death to immortality. We follow a natural pattern that is built right in the nerve system itself: memory; reason; will; direct cognition; inner light perceptions of the soul which give a universal love of all mankind; psychic perceptions through divine sight; and the heavenly refinement of being in the thousand-petaled lotus. The higher chakras: the 7 upper chakras 1. Saturn - MULADHARA 2. Mars - SVADHISHTHANA 3. Mercury - MANIPURA 4. Venus - ANAHATA 5. Jupiter - VISHUDDHA 6. Moon - AJNA 7. Sun - SAHASRARA For the purpose of this article, I won't be going over the upper 7 chakras because it's about shadow work and not spiritually bypassing the fact that we have legs, we have "2 towers" of which we stand on which needs reverence, cleansing, and purification. I will include the full info of the 1st chakra, SATURN muladhara below as this is the main chakra (among others) we need to work with in shadow work. "THE MULADHARA AND KUNDALINI From this Chakra four important Nadis emanate which appear as petals of a lotus. The subtle vibrations that are made by each Nadi are represented by the Sanskrit letters: v:ö S:ö \:ö and s:ö (vaü, ÷aü, ùaü, and saü.) The Yoni that is in the centre of this Chakra is called Kama and it is respected and venerated by Siddhas(yogis, those aspiring to supernatural powers). Here Kundalini lies dormant. - Ganesa("Lord of Hosts) is the Devata(god) of this Chakra. - The seven underworlds(above): Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Rasatala, Mahatala and Patala Lokas are below this Chakra. - This Chakra corresponds with Bhu Loka or Bhu-Mandal, physical plane (atlantis and the below/above realms, the middle plane/earth). - Bhuvah, Svah or Svarga, Maha, Jana, Tapa and Satya Lokas are above this Chakra(the above chakras and corresponding realms). - All the underworlds refer to some minor Chakras in the limbs which are controlled by the Muladhara Chakra. That Yogi, who has penetrated this Chakra through Prithvi Dharan(meditation on terra/cuadrado/amarillo/earth/Ki/Qi life force element), has conquered the Prithvi Tattva(Ki element). He has no fear of death from earth(Ki-fear of loss of ki or life force). - Prithvi is of yellow colour. - The golden Tripura (fire, sun and moon) is termed the ‘Bija’(seed). - It is also called the great energy (Param Tejas) which rests on the Muladhara Chakra and which is known as Svayambhu Linga. Near this Linga is the golden region known as Kula and the presiding deity is Dakini (Shakti). - Brahma Granthi or the knot of Brahma is in this Chakra. - l:ö (laü) is the Bija(seed sound) of Muladhara Chakra. The wise Yogi, who concentrates and meditates on the Muladhara Chakra, acquires the full knowledge of Kundalini and the means to awaken it(after once has conquered the lower natures). - When Kundalini is awakened, he gets Darduri Siddhi, the power to rise from the ground(to fully conquer the lower natures). - He can control the breath, mind and semen(semen retention). - His Prana(life force) enters the middle Brahma Nadi. All his sins are destroyed. He acquires knowledge of the past, present and future. He enjoys the natural Bliss (Sahaja Ananda). " Personal notes: if one wants to simply understand what to do with the lower natures after reading this ENTIRE article, please seek knowledge in the taoist practice of "micro & macro cosmic orbit". - this orbit is essentially doing 2 things -- 1. strengthening the higher chakras with wisdom and divine light (micro cosmic orbit) -- 2. Preparing and activating the upper chakras to integrate with the lower chakras and therefore rise the consciousness of the lower nature to a higher vibration (macro cosmic orbit) <----- how to exit the matrix
Kinue Gabriel
May 25, 2022
In General Discussions (emphasis mine)" In his 1977 book, Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness, he wrote that "consciousness permeates everything". He was a very inventive person, but also a person who was not the type you would normally think would be an inventor. He was a very spiritual person, he did meditation, he was a very soft-spoken person. He was interested in how the brain worked and actually attached electrodes to his head which were connected to a function generator in which he could change the wave shape and the power and learned about how the brain interprets these different frequencies.[6] — John Abele Bentov's invention was a seismographic device to record the heartbeat, in particular the aorta's reverberations. Marc Seifer described the results: "During NORMAL BREATHING, the reverberations in the aorta ARE OUT OF PHASE with the heartbeat and the system is inharmonious. However, during meditation and when the breath IS HELD, the echo off the bifurcation of the aorta (where the aorta forks at the pelvis to go into each leg) is in resonance with the heartbeat and the system becomes synchronized, thus utilizing a minimum amount of energy. This resonant beat is approximately seven cycles per minute, which corresponds not only to the alpha rhythm of the brain but also to the low-level magnetic pulsations of the Earth."[8]" In other words, this is why we're told to hold the breath and focus on the dan tien, right above where the life force and blood go into the legs. Try it right now, you'll notice after holding in and out a few times suddenly you relax - somewhat proving the point here that the normal breath is out of phase, this is something again we're not taught and we don't really innerstand. We need to GET IN phase, and all that's required is "self-control".
Kinue Gabriel
May 24, 2022
In General Discussions
This is for all the mamas and papas w/mamas - "tummy time" energy recharge technique with the baby, helps to babys burp also, general energy release and recharge. This is Maui freedom tribe fam, we got a lot of inner-g here but same disconnection issues. Let's stay connected however we can. peace reflection
spread the message fam - "tummy time" for the babies content media
Kinue Gabriel
May 23, 2022
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Kinue Gabriel
May 22, 2022
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basic not-so-basic training: Notes: primordial breath the point: conscious breath takes in essence and life force. to take in life force we need CONSCIOUS breathing. 1. even just training all day to be conscious of one's breath is considered real training 2. we need to give love to the god every day. this is a simply way to give love, so profound, so simple. practice conscious breathing as a gift to the god, it's that's simple. any practice we have we can give as a gift to the god. 3. if you don't (shop, eat, watch tv, go to grocery store, consume bullshit) you have to DO SOMETHING. we must move our elements in the way of nature, being outside of babylon doesn't mean doing nothing. the natural progression is to find practices that resonate and evolve the Self and offer them as love to the god. (speaking of movies: "la bella verde" shows this beautifully, go watch it) 4. Head breathing & the crystal room/palace: the pineal gland is made out of CALCITE. we are the tuners of the frequency of the crystal that is our brain/nervous system. With head breathing (and all breathing) we CHOOSE the frequency we want, like a radio. Some stations are: loving kindness, joy, peace, compassion and other stations are: jealousy, anger, hatred, confusion, etc. So we choose what station we're in by the same decision we make in #1: conscious breathing. Consciously choose WHAT TO BREATHE IN (for instance: enlightened energy from the sun :) :) :)) - "if you want classical music, you change; if you want rock music, you change(station)" A KEY TO ALL PRACTICE - the buddha mentions before any meditation we need to do this thing he calls "self-possession". I've meditated on what this means for a while: - self-possession: before any practice there must be a kind of "taking responsibility" of it. I'm going to try to illustrate this using words/spells, for example: -- "I am going to do this practice for the next 22 minutes" "I absolutely want to do this practice and I will do it" "there is nothing wrong and everything right with doing this practice and it's healthy for xyz reasons" etc etc During practice, voices and spirits will come and say "I don't want to do this" or you'll be given images of cake or sweets, or sex, or something else to distract. So there needs to be a kind of solid "I am doing this" in the beginning so that those distractions don't actually work. for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. peace reflection
Use your power content media
Kinue Gabriel
May 22, 2022
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I have a recent story about this in the tele group. peace reflection
The mosquitoes thing content media
Kinue Gabriel
May 21, 2022
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Kinue Gabriel
May 21, 2022
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Did you hear?  did you see? content media
Kinue Gabriel
May 21, 2022
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Why the flood? eye C D-cypher Elect 4 Focus on 1 it ends @ seven
Kinue Gabriel
May 21, 2022
In General Discussions
(spiritus sanctus in animam viventem non-domino disposition, ne dii quidem super summam legem el est supra legem hominis; obturos tu capitus collateral estoppel) ==== Source: ==== "there comes a time when, Vāseṭṭha, after a very long period has passed, this cosmos contracts. As the cosmos contracts, sentient beings are mostly headed for the realm of streaming radiance. There they are mind-made, feeding on rapture, self-luminous, moving through the sky, steadily glorious, and they remain like that for a very long time. there comes a time when, after a very long period has passed, this cosmos expands. As the cosmos expands, sentient beings mostly pass away from that host of radiant deities and come back to this realm. Here they are mind-made, feeding on rapture, self-luminous, moving through the sky, steadily glorious, and they remain like that for a very long time." ==== this is not an allegory, though it is a lesson.
Akashic record of this planet from a pure source - an overview content media
Kinue Gabriel
May 20, 2022
love black existence, love the mother.  peace reflection content media
Kinue Gabriel
May 20, 2022
"who is this being, really?" - longer version (corrupted) content media

Kinue Gabriel

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